achievement alumni


This is the third and final category of honors associated with the UNIVANTS of Healthcare Excellence award

All teams with any level of award recognition have demonstrated judge approved measurably better healthcare performance. 


Enhancing resource utilization and improving patient experience through strategic laboratory stewardship
Ain- Shams University - Emergency Hospital, Cairo, Egypt


Enhanced staff satisfaction and resource utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic 
Associação Fundo de Incentivo a Pesquisa - AFIP, São Paulo, Brazil


Improving Population Health through Screening for Hepatitis C to Enable Treatment for Undetected Viral Infections 
Biomédica de Referencia, Mexico City, Mexico


Improving emergency department flow and decreasing risk through development and implementation of molecular diagnostics guided triage
Clinical Hospital Center, Rijeka, Croatia


Laboratory-Led Company-Wide Screening Programs for Safe, Back to Work Strategies during COVID-19 Pandemic in Saudi Arabia 
Dr. Suliman Al Habib Medical Group, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Increased Population Engagement, Enhanced Patient Experience and Safe Blood Donations Through Strategic Partnerships and Targeted Media Campaigns
Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Reducing Unnecessary Admissions Associated with Pediatric Mononucleosis via Implementation of EBV IgM Testing in the Emergency Department
Emergency Clinical County Hospital Târgu Mureș, Târgu Mureș, Romania


Improving Care and Overall Experience for Patients who Present to a Tanzania Clinic with Suspected Cardiovascular Diseases 
Faith Medical Tanzania Clinics, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Maximizing Patient Care and Reducing Mortality Through Expanded Investments in laboratory Medicine Including a Comprehnsive External Quality System
General Directorate of Allied Health Services Ministry of Health, Gaza Strip, Palestine


Improved patient pathway for diagnosis, follow up and monitoring of Mulitple Myeloma(MM); a multi-disciplinary collaboration to improve the pathway from the initial request to long-term monitoring
Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Basingstoke, England


Improved and accelerated diagnostic pathway for patients that present to the emergency department with suspected mild traumatic brain injury
Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Granada, Spain


Optimized Detection and Management of Thyroid Dysfunction During Pregnancy for Improving Maternal and Offspring Outcomes 
Hospital Virgen de la Luz, Cuenca, Spain


Establishment of a Monomer Prolactin Detection Method and Specific Reference Interval to Enhance the Ability to Identify Macroprolactinemia 
Huashan Hospital Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Maintain High Quality Patient Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic 
Institut für Medizinische und Chemische Labordiagnostik, Mein Hanusch Krankenhaus, Vienna, Austria

The Women and Heart Program - Empowering Women's Health Through Early Identification and Prevention of Coronary Risk
Institute for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, Zagreb, Croatia

Improving cancer patients safety, confidence and clincal care through screening healthcare workers for Neutralizing COVID-19 IgG antibodies and establishing a COVID-19 convalescent plasma bank at KHCC
King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center, Amman, Jordan


Reducing Unnecessary CT Scans in the Emergency Department with New Mild Head Injury Assessment Pathway
Klinikum Lüneburg,  Lüneburg, Germany


Increased Accuracy for the Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction Using Sex-Specific Upper Reference Limits in Clinical Pathways for Patients Presenting with Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome
Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and Medical Research Institute, Mumbai, India

Early Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Patients with Comorbidities
Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and Medical Research Institute, Mumbai, India


Strategic SARS-CoV-2 Testing for Risk Mitigation and Optimal Health of Healthcare Workers and Patients 
Marienhospital, Stuttgart, Germany


COVID-19: Using Data, Innovation, and Collaboration to Support Better Patient Outcomes 
North West London Pathology, London, England


Maximizing Delivery Method and Clinical Resources for Timely Patient Communication of COVID-19 Status
Nova Scotia Health, Halifax, Canada


Enhanced Discovery of Unidentified Comorbidities and Diagnosis Through the use of Diagnostic Logics Empowered by Laboratory Medicine and Informatics 
Seirei Hamamatsu HP, Hamamatsu-Shi, Japan


No Time to Lose with Lives on the Line - Maximizing Efficiency in the Lab to Save More Lives through Organ Donation
Southwest Transplant Alliance, Dallas, Texas, USA


Improving Patient Experiences via Reliable Pre-Surgical Biomarker Risk Assessments in Patients Undergoing Eye Surgery 
St. Petersburg Hospital Number Two, St. Petersburg, Russia


Procalcitonin: A Successful Clinical Formula for the Early Recognition and Management of Sepsis in the Emergency Department 
The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust, Essex, England


A noninvasive serologic model using an intelligent informatic solution to enhance clinical decision-making and improve patient safety
The Second Norman Bethune Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China


The Kansas Two-Step: Simplifying the Diagnosis of Clostridioides Difficile at an Academic Medical Center

The University of Kansas Health System, Kansas City, Kansas, USA


University Hospital Centre Zagreb and Polyclinic Avitum, Zagreb, Croatia


Early detection of unsuspected Cardiovascular Risk in Asymptomatic Blood Donors
UOC Medicina Trasfusionale AOOR Villa Sofia-Cervello, Palermo, Italy


Enhanced discrimination of myocardial injury in a pediatric population using age-specific biomarker reference intervals
Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital, Yantai, China


Optimizing the care, safety and wellness of patients with known diabetes through laboratory medicine and a 5-stage multi-disciplinary clinical care pathway
Zulekha Hosptial, Dubai, United Arab Emirates